• What is parent coaching?

    Parent coaching is a form of support aimed at helping parents develop effective parenting strategies, improve their relationship with their children, and address specific challenges they face. Coaches work with parents to set goals, explore parenting styles, and implement techniques that foster positive family dynamics.

  • How does parent coaching differ from therapy?

    Parent coaching focuses on practical strategies and goal-setting for current parenting issues, while therapy often delves into emotional and psychological aspects of parenting and personal growth. Therapy might address deeper-seated issues and emotional challenges, whereas coaching is generally more action-oriented and solution-focused.

  • What are the benefits of parent coaching?

    Parent coaching can help parents improve their communication skills, manage challenging behaviors, strengthen their relationship with their children, and boost their confidence as parents. It can also offer personalized support for specific issues, such as discipline, managing screen time, or balancing work and family life.

  • How do I find a good parent coach?

    Look for a parent coach with relevant qualifications and experience, such as certifications in parenting or coaching, and positive testimonials from other clients. It’s also important to find someone whose approach aligns with your values and parenting style. Initial consultations can help determine if the coach is a good fit for your needs.

  • What should I expect during a parent coaching session?

    During a parent coaching session, you can expect to discuss specific challenges you're facing, set goals, and work on strategies to address those challenges. Sessions might include role-playing scenarios, developing action plans, and reviewing progress. Coaches often provide support and accountability to help you implement changes.

  • How long does parent coaching take?

    The duration of parent coaching varies depending on individual needs and goals. Some parents may see improvements in a few sessions, while others may benefit from ongoing support over several months. The coaching process is typically flexible and can be adjusted based on your progress and requirements.

  • Is parent coaching worth the investment?

    Many parents find parent coaching to be a valuable investment in their family’s well-being. It can provide personalized guidance, help resolve specific issues, and enhance overall parenting skills. The decision to invest in coaching depends on your individual needs and the potential benefits you expect to gain.

  • Can parent coaching help with behavioral issues?

    Yes, parent coaching can be particularly effective for addressing behavioral issues. Coaches can help you develop and implement strategies for managing behaviors, setting appropriate boundaries, and creating a positive environment for your child’s growth and development.

  • How can I prepare for a parent coaching session?

    To prepare for a parent coaching session, reflect on the specific issues or goals you want to address, gather any relevant information or examples, and be open to discussing your parenting challenges honestly. Setting clear objectives for what you want to achieve can help make the coaching more effective.

  • What should I do if parent coaching isn’t working for me?

    If you feel that parent coaching isn’t meeting your needs, it’s important to communicate openly with your coach about your concerns. You might need to adjust your goals, explore different strategies, or consider if a different coach or type of support might be more effective for you.

  • What is the role of a parent coach?

    A parent coach serves as a supportive partner for parents, guiding them through the complexities of raising children. By offering tailored advice and strategies, a parent coach helps parents navigate challenges such as discipline, communication, and emotional development. The goal is to empower parents with the tools and confidence needed to foster healthy family dynamics and create nurturing environments where children can thrive. Through personalized sessions, parent coaches address specific concerns and work collaboratively with parents to develop practical solutions that meet their unique needs.

  • What does parent coaching look like?

    Parent coaching typically involves personalized sessions, which can be conducted in-person or online, allowing flexibility for busy families. Parent coaches work collaboratively with parents to create action plans that outline specific goals and strategies for addressing challenges. These sessions may include discussions, role-playing scenarios, and practical exercises aimed at improving parenting skills and family dynamics. Coaching can also encompass workshops or group sessions that foster community support and shared learning among parents. Ongoing follow-up and resources are often provided to ensure that families stay on track and continue to grow in their parenting journey.

  • Why work with a parent coach?

    Most parents seek a parent coach to feel less anxious and more empowered. They want to be more confident in their parenting and learn different ways to address the challenges they are facing with their children. A parent coach can help you understand your unique parenting style and strengths and how to leverage them to create a strong family unit. Furthermore, a coach offers resources and strategies that help you manage your current reality, learn better self-care, and consider your core values.

  • Why work with a parent coach?

    Most parents seek a parent coach to feel less anxious and more empowered. They want to be more confident in their parenting and learn different ways to address the challenges they are facing with their children. A parent coach can help you understand your unique parenting style and strengths and how to leverage them to create a strong family unit. Furthermore, a coach offers resources and strategies that help you manage your current reality, learn better self-care, and consider your core values.

  • What kinds of issues/topics can be addressed in parent coaching?

    ● Toddlers and tantrums/dysregulation● Technology limits and guidelines● School issues ● Sibling dynamics ● Being a new parent/bringing home baby ● Self-care/stress reduction● Resilience● Parental guilt ● Co-parenting difficulties ● Limit setting/discipline ● Communication/listening ● Academic transitions ● Overall child development

  • Will you be meeting with me and my children?

    As a parent coach, I only meet with the parents. I trust you. I trust that you can accurately share your concerns and that we can partner effectively to address them. Our sessions are a space reserved just for you to learn effective strategies to help you face any parenting challenge you are experiencing.

  • Do both parents have to participate?

    I do not require that both/all parents participate. I’m happy to work with anyone in the role of a parent who would like to be involved.

  • Are sessions in person?

    I offer both phone and Zoom sessions during morning hours, evenings, and Sundays to accommodate your schedule. Self-selected group sessions may be in person. I don’t need to visit your home and meet your kids. I trust you. 

  • What type of parent coaching sessions to offer? 

    One-on-One Coaching – Individual coaching is a good fit if you’re eager to identify your own parenting style/strengths and work on your current parenting challenges. Schedule your FREE 30-minute intro call.
    Group Coaching – Group coaching is great for parents facing similar challenges with like-aged children. This approach allows for members to learn from each other and can be a cost-effective option for self-selected groups.

  • How do I get started?

    The best next step to take is to schedule a FREE 30-minute intro call

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